Established in Milan, EPO Srl is a family company, specialized in the production of high quality botanical extracts since 1933. The extracts are suitable for the food (food and food supplements), pharmaceutical, feed and cosmetic industries; they are also used in the textile and detergent industry, as well as in agriculture. EPO is the Italian acronym of “Estratti Piante Officinali” that means extracts made from medicinal plants. The company, which is still based in Milan, has modern production facilities in Fizzonasco di Pieve Emanuele (MI), in the southern part of Milan, an area characterized by an agricultural vocation, where the food supply chain is strongly present.
NUTRACEUTICAL AND FOODExtracts for food supplements, covering 14 health areas; extractsfor drinks, functional foods, sweets, chocolate, and dairy products
PHARMACEUTICAL AND COSMETICExtracts as APIs, extracts for medical devicesand for cosmetic applications
FEEDExtracts for feed and additives
AGRICULTUREExtracts used as natural insecticides and biostimulants
TEXTILEExtracts used as natural dyes and for textile finishing
CLEANSINGExtracts for natural detergents for the environment and personal hygiene