Notizie, novità ed eventi che riguardano epo
02/08/2023 News
We are taking a break to recharge our batteries and come back more energetic than before. Our offices will be closed from 7th to 18th August. In the meantime, you can contact us at for any urgent requests. We wish everyone a happy and relaxing holiday!
25/07/2023 Magazine
Sweating is a physiological mechanism through which our body emits a liquid produced by sweat glands in order to regulate body temperature and perform other functions, such as excreting ‘waste’ substances or non-verbal communication. However, while it is normal to sweat a little more than usual when it is hot, and it is normal to […]
26/06/2023 Magazine
Why has man, since prehistoric times, sought to surround himself with color? Where did he find the material in nature to meet a need so deep-rooted in his soul? The art of extracting colors from natural resources has roots that go back to the dawn of mankind, but with the advent of synthetic dyes – […]
24/05/2023 Magazine
In March, the European Commission launched a public consultation in order to receive comments in relation to a proposal aimed at introducing maximum levels of nickel in foodstuffs; at present, nickel is not regulated by Regulation (EC) 1881/2006, now replaced by Regulation (EU) 915/2023, which comes into force on 25/05/2023. As early as 2020, EFSA […]
15/05/2023 News
A new study published in the scientific journal Foods shows that the combination of Cistus incanus L. and Scutellaria lateriflora L. (PLANoràl®) has promising and useful effects for the treatment of gingivitis and for the eubiosis of the oral cavity. These plant extracts contain a very complex mix of polyphenols, stable after simulated in vitro […]
26/04/2023 Magazine
The arrival of fine weather entices us to spend more time outdoors, but for seasonal allergy sufferers, even a simple walk in the park can turn into the worst nightmare. Allergies are among the most prevalent chronic diseases worldwide; according to the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS), the prevalence of allergic rhinitis is steadily […]
27/03/2023 News
A new study published in the scientific journal Nutrients shows that two ellagitannins contained in chestnut leaves play an important role in the interaction between H. pylori and human gastric epithelium; these bioactive molecules have also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties through an inhibition of the NF-kB factor, that plays a key role in regulating […]
20/03/2023 Magazine
On August 5th, 2022, the European Commission issued the new EU Regulation 2022/1370, updating the previous EC Regulation 1881/2006, and amended the list of foodstuffs that contribute to human exposure to ochratoxin A. Underlying this decision is concern about the intake of foodstuffs, contaminated with this mycotoxin, in quantities potentially dangerous to human health. Read […]
23/02/2023 Magazine
The use of botanicals as “green” raw materials in industry and art restoration is part of the growing focus on the environment and the use of “eco-friendly” strategies, in line with the challenges of the UN 2030 Agenda. Since the dawn of mankind, medicinal plants have been used to improve the health of humans and […]
20/01/2023 Magazine
A new European Union regulation limits the amount of green tea extract containing epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that can be present in food and sets new labeling requirements. Underlying this decision are health concerns related to EGCG, a catechin responsible for potential liver damage. Continue reading to find out the consequences of the regulation that went […]